Ricci Offers Free Readings and Appearances on Beach Bench Medium Show

Filming is being planned for the 2024 season of Beach Bench Medium, and spiritual advisor and psychic medium Dawn Ricci is extending an offer to those that have a memorial bench on the boardwalk to receive a free reading and make an appearance on the show.
All along the boardwalk of our beautiful Jersey Shore, there are thousands of benches with plaques that pay tribute to family members. Ricci, a Spring Lake resident, got the idea for her show after spending considerable time reading each plaque during her outings and noticing how the essence of each tribute came alive.
“If you are interested in having a reading sitting at your bench with me, then here’s your chance. Happy, loving memories of your family and dearly departed await,” exclaims Ricci.
“Don’t miss out, and check out Beach Bench Medium episodes from Spring Lake, Manasquan, Point Pleasant, Asbury Park and Atlantic City on YouTube,” adds Ricci.
For more information, call 732-433-7094 or email [email protected].